Friday, September 21, 2012

A word from Barb---How this all began!

Let me say first, I believe God has gifted every women He has ever created. One of the gifts that I’ve been given is the ability to see beautiful possibilities in everything. Over the years it turned into a decorating career and a passion. But, I often thought “How can God use this?”.  Sitting in church one day I ask the same question I had ask so many times, “Why did you create me like this and how can I give back?”.

My thoughts began to race as I remembered a friend that I had helped in the past. She had a very sick husband and found herself needing to go back to work full time. She called me and ask for help with her home that she felt stuck in. She had an extremely minimal budget but wanted to feel good about her home. We made that happen for her!  It was the most rewarding project I have ever been involved in and I didn't even make a penny. In fact, I spent a few of my own:) When it was over she turned to me and said, “I love my home! Every time I come home I think how lucky I am that God gave us a home that I can still afford and it is a beautiful place for my family”. As nesters we are created as women to want to create a HAVEN for the ones we love the most in this world. So, this is really important stuff!

As I sat in church I thought that's it! I want to do that again and again, but my life is so busy. Then I thought I need a team, we could recreate a room in a day and help encourage another women! So, I began to doodle in Church. I made a list of people I would need: organizers, cleaners, bakers/cooks, encouragers, painters, runners, joyful people, hairstylist and a web person! I know some of this sounds crazy, but that is what I wrote down (I found my old list .ha!) Now it makes perfect sense. :) I thought we will call it "Be a Blessing" Design Team. 

After that church service, I began sharing this idea to all the ladies that I came in contact with. The most amazing thing happened, it seemed every women I spoke to had the same nagging question, “What am I to do with the gifts God has given me?”.  Their eyes lit up and the Blessing Design Team was formed.

Not too long after that incredible day at Church,  I ran into Rebecca from Rebecca's Bistro in Walnut Creek. I told her my (and God's) idea. She lit up like a Christmas Tree! Why you ask? I will let her tell you her story as only she can tell.  Her thoughts on Hospitality have not only inspired me but the whole Blessing Design Team. I pray her thoughts will inspire you too!   (Read following post..."A word from Rebecca Miller"...)

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